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There’s a reason the Scouts’ motto ‘Be Prepared’ has endured for so long. We might not have the power to prevent rainclouds from gathering, but we can carry a brolly. We can’t affect the intensity of the sun’s rays, but we can wear sunglasses. We can’t change the way people act, but we can choose how we respond. This week, as the Sun moves into a new celestial home, you can adjust your attitude to a challenging situation. If you focus on the power at your disposal, magical change will result. You’ve done the prep. Reap the benefits. Inspiring times lie ahead. Make the most of this astrological opportunity. Call 0906 751 5601. TAURUS

As Venus, your ruler, links with Neptune, and the Sun moves into your opposite sign, the intensity levels of your life are ratcheted up a notch. Whatever you do, there will be a development that takes you by surprise, or an unpredictable dramatic element that throws you off-guard. With the people around you feeling extra sensitive, you might feel as if you’re treading on eggshells. Yet it’s vital not to let anyone (or anything) undermine your self-confidence. If you act as though you’re on top of everything, you soon will be! In a week of planetary creativity, you can transform your life. For your weekahead forecast, call 0906 751 5602.

MAR 21 – APR 20 APR 21 – MAY 21


We try our best to organise our days so that we’re as efficient as possible. Few of us, though, attempt to control the hours we spend asleep. We understand that it’s a necessary part of life; and, unless we’ve had a few nights without enough of it, we don’t give it much thought. Thus, we spend our lives moving between two different states of consciousness. As Venus links with Neptune, the cosmos creates a pathway between these two worlds. Pay attention to your dreams this week. They’ll provide you with the key to success. Your forecast is jam-packed full of important news. For an in-depth guide, call 0906 751 5603.

MAY 22 – JUN 22

This week, as the Sun enters Scorpio, it’s no use beating around the bush. The Venus/neptune link highlights delicate, creative approaches. But by letting go of the need to please, we can press ahead with what’s instinctively right.

CANCER JUN 23 – JUL 23 Although there are many good reasons why cereal packets no longer contain toys, there was something joyful about reaching in and rummaging around to see what you’d got. There’s nothing like getting something for free. With so much going on in your world, you’d benefit from a bit more ‘free time’ this week. If only you could wake up to discover that you had a few extra hours in your day – just think of what you’d achieve. Although the Venus/neptune link won’t empower you to manipulate

time, it will enable you to use it imaginatively. Lift your spirits and change your life! To hear important news, call 0906 751 5604.


People aren’t always as honest or as well-intentioned as they think they are. Nor are we very good judges of character. We can’t tell what others are like just by looking at them, and they can’t jump to reliable conclusions about us, either. This week, as your ruler, the Sun, moves into a new celestial home, you can find innovative ways to approach someone who has been through a tough time recently. As they realise that you’re trustworthy, a satisfyingly respectful bond can be created – which is of mutual, lasting benefit. Your latest forecast could be one of the most rewarding calls you make. Call 0906 751 5605.

JUL 24 – AUG 23 VIRGO AUG 24 – SEP 23

We don’t like feeling as if we can’t do (or don’t know) something. When we feel out of our depth, we tend to turn away rather than try to learn a new technique, or attain the relevant knowledge. Sometimes, what we don’t know annoys us so much we erase it from our minds. We’re so good at this that we put off dealing with difficult issues. Yet life, eventually, places us in positions where we have no choice but to tackle them. You’re reaching the top of a tricky learning curve. This week brings a breakthrough. Great opportunities arise as powerful planetary forces energise your life. To find out more, call 0906 751 5606.


Set your alarm clock for silly o’clock. Once you’ve had a cold shower, you can set off on your 10km jog. Only then can you allow yourself to have something to eat. A bowl of porridge (made with water) should do the trick. Then, spend the rest of the day following a similarly harsh regime. You’ve excelled at creating demanding schedules and ways to make your life as challenging as possible. Do you really need to be so hard on yourself? Only if it’s making you happy! If not, as your ruler, Venus, links with Neptune, you can change things. Want to hear some priceless information about your week? Just pick up the phone! Call 0906 751 5607.

SEP 24 – OCT 23


If only life resembled a Disney film. If only our fears could be quickly dispersed by a brave bunch of kids and their dog. Reality, though, isn’t that cute or that simple. And real people don’t behave like the characters in those children’s stories. As the Sun moves into your sign, it shines a new light on a challenging situation. And, as Venus links with Neptune, you’ll be able to see through the fog of mystery that’s been preventing you from moving ahead. Just make sure you don’t forget to peer over the top of those rose

tinted spectacles. Give yourself the best present ever. The Sun brings energy and action! To gain priceless insight, call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIUS NOV 23 – DEC 21 Self-confidence has to be right at the top of the list of qualities we want to possess. It might not be the be-all and end-all of everything, but it’s hard to think of situations where it doesn’t help. Luckily, members of your sign tend to be a confident lot; not everyone has your assurance and self-belief. If you’ve been feeling a bit low and uncharacteristically uncertain recently, this week, someone from your past will pop back into your life and remind you of how you helped them when they were low. The confidence you need will follow. To hear how your life could significantly change for the better, call your latest weekahead forecast: 0906 751 5609.


Do any of us have the power to really make a difference? Can one individual have an impact on the world’s bleak, dark, pervasive heartlessness? Of course! Anything’s possible when we’re willing to cooperate with one another... and with fate. A force beyond your understanding is guiding you towards the perfect destination. If something seems wrong, look for the one thing that could just be perfect within it. And when you see this, trust it. This is your moment! Make your commitment. Then, do your duty to your destiny! Lift your spirits. Transform your life! Your week-ahead forecast contains important news. Call 0906 751 5610.


Many conversations are about

trivial topics: the weather, what we’re going to eat for dinner, or the latest reality TV show. We also share our concerns and our problems. But how often do we address life’s most important questions? Why are we here? What’s the purpose of it all? Sometimes, we need to think about these existential issues; they help us find perspective. An issue in your life needs to be looked at more closely. It might not be easy… but you’re in the process of discovering something that brings positive change. Do yourself a favour; treat yourself! There’s exciting information in your forecast. Call 0906 751 5611.


We all know the dangers of over-indulgence. So, this week, when the link between Venus (luxury) and your ruler, Neptune (enchantment), awakens the impulse to be excessive, you need to be watchful. There’s nothing wrong with going over the top, as long as you go over the right kind of top, in the right kind of way! Don’t take silly risks that might empty your bank account. But it would be appropriate to allow yourself to feel truly hopeful. If you ride the wave of growing optimism, it will carry you to an excellent destination. Just four minutes on the phone could change your life. For your latest forecast, call 0906 751 5612.

FEB 20 – MAR 20





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