Mail Online

Straight to the POINT

THE queue for a booster jab is longer than the one for a Banksy T-shirt.

MICHAEL TREW, Trowbridge, Wilts. IT’S claimed the Prime Minister broke Covid rules by taking part in a quiz. Questions were asked then and must be asked now.

MIKE SMITH, Chatham, Kent. IN THE unlikely event of being invited to a shindig at No 10, I’d say no. A party that involves staring at a laptop screen seems a bit dull.

MICHAEL PRITCHARD, Penn, Bucks. THE Prime Minister’s flat shows it’s amazing how much tacky and tasteless can cost.

S. WAIT, Llangoed, Anglesey. TIP for the Christmas No 1: Boris and the Doomsters with We’ve Got The Omicron Blues.

CHARLES HOUGHTON, Wrexham. I’M DREAMING Of A Multicultural, Diverse, Transgender, Inclusive Christmas doesn’t roll off the tongue.

MARK COHEN, Manchester. THE secret to helping your marriage survive the menopause (Mail)? Don’t argue with her and just walk away.

R. J. CLARK, Cheltenham, Glos.

AS WITH the Government, so with F1: those who make the rules break the rules.

ALAN SHARPE, Melton Mowbray, Leics. ITV’S Walk The Line delivers a few short music performances with the rest of the show filled by ads, inane comments and canned screaming. Haven’t viewers suffered enough? JOHN PARTRIDGE, Bedford.

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