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During spring this year, wisterias in our area were spectacular. if you grow this lovely climber, now is the time to prune for an equally good show next year.

Begin by finding long, newly grown shoots which have been extending since late spring. You can shorten those, now. Follow each long stem back towards its base.

When you’ve found where the long stem joins the plant, count up to six or seven leaves along that stem. Sever the stem just above the sixth or seventh. You will be shortening that stump a little more, next January.

But if you prefer to do your pruning in one go, cut the stump a little shorter, leaving four or five leaves now.

Flower clusters will develop on each stump for next spring’s show.

if your wisteria has grown too large or is creeping into your roof or over windows, you can trim unwanted growth away now.

But save major structural pruning for winter. Then, when the leaves are gone, you’ll find it much easier to remove all surplus growth.





dmg media (UK)