Mail Online



13 Make a problem

less serious (6,4) 14 Goodbye (7)

15 To some

extent (2,1,3)

16 Predicament (6) 17 Warm coastal

district (7)

18 Anaesthetic (5)

19 Level (4)

20 Disorder (5)

21 Spreadable

food (5)

22 Obtain by unfair

means (6)

23 Tightening

device (5)

28 Feline boarding

place (7)

30 Blend (7)

33 Doggedly

continue (7,2) 36 Urge (6)

38 Firearm (5)

39 Fragment (5)

40 Warning (6)

42 Bombardment (5) 43 Right (7)

44 Snack bar (6)

46 Lascivious

look (4)

49 Male idol (4)

51 Workplace (6)

53 Take part in (2,2,3) 55 Eye covering (5) 59 Gradually

improve (4,2)

60 Come to (5)

61 Crave (5)

62 Tenant (6)

63 Dismiss as

irrelevant (4,5)

65 Gangly (7)

66 Defensive

wall (7)

70 Rub (5)

71 Insect (6) 73 Spoon-like

utensil (5)

75 Polished (5)

80 Elapse (4)

82 Bird (5)

83 Bitter criticism (7) 84 Expenditure (6)

85 Stone

fragments (6)

86 Vexatious (7)

87 After much

delay (2,4,4)


1 Kiss (6)

2 Draw attention

to (5,3)

3 Predatory fish (5)

4 Consume

too much (7)

5 Evergreen bush (6) 6 Threaded

fastener (5)

7 Malign (6)

8 Savagery (7)

9 Annoying (10)

10 Ardent (5)

11 Insouciant (8)

12 Land-bound

body of water (4) 24 Sung

composition (7) 25 Chief impact (5) 26 Extent (7)

27 Teach (7)

29 Cancel (5)

31 Deduce (5)

32 Slightly

unwell (4)

34 Back out (3,3)

35 List of dishes (4) 37 Mentality (7)

41 Criminal (7)

45 Unsympathetic (6) 47 Directional

device (7)

48 Conical

mountain (7)

50 Grave

inscription (7) 52 Jacket (4)

54 Literary

work (5)

56 Evident (5)

57 Scourge (4)

58 Freshwater

fish (5)

60 Vegetable (3,7) 64 Gushing (8)

67 Show selfrespect (4,4)

68 Glimmer (7)

69 Sophisticated (7) 72 Submit or

surrender (4,2) 74 Pinnacle (6)

76 Stylish (6)

77 Repeated

exercise (5)

78 Theatrical (5)

79 Establish (5)

81 Atmosphere (4)





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