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You open 1♥ and rebid 2♥ after partner’s 2♦ response. What do you bid next after partner (North) makes a responder’s reverse of 2♠? The important point to recognise is that your hand has suddenly become ‘enormous’. You were absolutely maximum for your simple heart rebid and now that partner has shown a fit for your second suit, you are certainly in the slam zone.

You have various options available, but one thing you must not do is simply raise to 4♠, which partner is likely to pass.

If you are using Splinters, a bid of 4♦ now would agree spades and show a singleton diamond with slam interest. Or you could use Fourth Suit Forcing with 3♣ (which could give you problems later). Or you can bid 5♠ inviting partner to bid the slam if he has two of the top three honours (KQ).

Or, of course, you can use Blackwood, but you have a dilemma when you hear there is an ace missing. The best choice is probably 3♠ — but only if you play this bid as unconditionally forcing.

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