Mail Online

Weighty issues at the NHS

As one who is careful with my diet, I appreciated last week’s Mac cartoon lampooning obese patients seeking medical advice.

Here’s some: move more and eat less. Rather than stuffing another burger into your mouth, prepare a cheaper, healthy meal at home.

But perhaps this is too much trouble for heavyweights, constantly blaming others for their own bad lifestyle choices.

Amanda Yates, Newcastle upon Tyne

I am a man in my 60s and yes – I will admit it – I am seriously obese. I have been all my life.

It must be nearly 20 years since I have seen a doctor, probably because I am in denial.

They say that obesity is putting the NHS at risk but A&Es during the weekends are full to bursting with sports injuries. You never hear about this group being blamed for the NHS crisis!

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