Mail Online

He forced his hand into my underwear – without a word

By Mark Hookham

IT WAS Brand’s ex-girlfriend, Jordan Martin, who first spoke of the comedian’s ‘controlling and manipulative’ behaviour in an interview to The Mail on Sunday eight years ago.

Former model Ms Martin, who had a six-month relationship with Brand from February 2007, also self-published a book in which she described a catalogue of physical and emotional abuse at the hands of the star.

She told this newspaper that his ‘cruel behaviour’ left her feeling worthless and confused.

In her book, in which she changes the identity of Brand and herself to ‘Randall Grand’ and ‘Dina’ she details an alleged sexual assault which took place at The Lowry Hotel in Manchester.

Ms Martin claimed Brand became angry when he discovered she had spoken to an ex-boyfriend. Brand is said to have snatched her phone and then assaulted her from behind in the bathroom, sliding his hand into her underwear. Ms Martin wrote that she was ‘not ready for this intrusion’ and did not find it ‘sensual or pleasant’.

Brand is then said to have left the room, leaving her ‘feeling confused, uncomfortable and a little stunned’.

She also writes in the book – the contents of which have never been challenged by Brand – that he ‘pushes boundaries, controlling other people to fulfil personal perversions for the sake of dominance’.

In one incident, she described how he forced her to brush her teeth so hard her gums bled so she would taste ‘anonymous’ to him.

She was initially attracted to Brand’s ‘kooky humour’, but told this newspaper the comic became paranoid and possessive and would accuse her of meeting with her ex-husband.

Yet he also thought nothing of boasting to her about having sex with strangers while they were together.

In one uncomfortable incident, she told how Brand persuaded her to stay in his flat while he entertained two lesbian fans in his bedroom. She said: ‘He wanted me to get involved, to make it OK for him, to validate it. But I decided to make a stand. I was physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted. I couldn’t go along with this.’

She claimed that on another occasion Brand accused her of being sexually attracted to her own brother and that he cruelly taunted her over her desire to have children. She said: ‘There were times when I felt bullied and abused, not in a physical or sexual way, but mentally. I was vulnerable... His manipulative side was so powerful it was easier to just submit.’

Ms Martin declined to be interviewed for the Sunday Times and Dispatches investigation, but has confirmed she stands by the account in her book.

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