Mail Online


By Caroline Graham

BUSINESSWOMAN ‘Nadia’ claimed Brand raped her in his Los Angeles home on July 1, 2012.

The pair met at a party the previous month and had exchanged numbers – which led to consensual sex at Brand’s Hollywood Hills home. During that first sexual encounter, Nadia said Brand’s ‘glazed over’ look unsettled her.

She added: ‘He does this thing when he glazes over. I don’t know what’s going on in his head. It was fine, but it was a weird first-time experience with someone when you’re having sex with them.’

In the early hours of July 1, Brand pleaded with Nadia to come to his house. When she arrived, the front door was unlocked and she let herself in. She said: ‘He comes running out of the bedroom, naked. And I’m kind of taken aback. I’ve got a bag on my shoulder, a little dress and a coat on top.’

Nadia was horrified when Brand asked her to join him and a ‘friend’, who was in his bedroom, for a threesome. When she refused, she claims he pushed her against a wall and raped her without using a condom.

Nadia said: ‘I tried to get away from him and I slipped away from the wall.

‘And then I went to another wall that had a painting on it. A huge painting. And my bag got actually stuck underneath that, and it’s still on my arm.

‘And at this point he’s grabbing at my underwear, pulling it to the side. He’s a lot taller than me. And he has that glazed look in his eye again. And I can’t move. And I told him, “get off, get off”.

Nadia said Brand initially blocked the door to stop her leaving but finally stood aside and she ran to her car where she sat in a daze.

Brand sent her a text message at 3.29am which said: ‘I’m sorry. That was crazy and selfish. I hope you can forgive me, I know that you’re a lovely person. X’

She ignored a call from him but texted him the following morning to say he had ‘scared the s***’ out of her, adding; “When a girl say(s) NO it means no.’ Brand replied he was ‘very sorry’ and ‘embarrassed’ by his behaviour.

Nadia was taken by a friend to the rape treatment centre at a hospital, where nurses collected evidence, including her underwear. Police were alerted, but Nadia refused to press charges because she feared people would not believe her and her name would be ‘dragged through the dirt’.

After months of therapy, she wrote to Brand saying: ‘Do you know what you put me through? My body through? You scared the s*** out of me on July 1. I thought in any situation I would be strong enough to fight someone off. You completely broke me down.’

Nadia provided the Dispatches team with medical records which reportedly backed up her claims.

Nadia: U scared the s*** out of me. When a girl says NO it means no. Do I have to go and get myself tested?

Brand: I’m very sorry. You don’t need to get tested. I will make this up to you... I’m embarrassed by my behaviour. Sorry. X





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