Mail Online

Britney’s sister and a crumble in the jungle

THE launch episode of I’m A celebrity 2023 didn’t disappoint, and it’s going to be a cracking series. nigel Farage’s inclusion was guaranteed to spark controversy, but on his first outing he seemed uncharacteristically subdued.

He wants to show us all he’s a nice guy really, and I can vouch for that. He’s also honourable — a quality lacking in so many politicians today.

But nigel is used to being the centre of attention and the loudest voice in the room. unfortunately, fellow contestant nella rose, the YouTube sensation, is very much louder. She has a presence nigel will struggle to rise above.

For tactical reasons, such as maintaining camp harmony, I thought his rivals might not be keen to engage nigel on Brexit. He’s an accomplished debater and a master of facts, which is not what I’m A celebrity is about. But on the second night they piled in, and nigel clashed with Frenchman Fred Sirieix.

In the meantime, I’d put money on actress/ singer Jamie Lynn Spears (pictured) — sister of the ( infinitely) more famous Britney — being one of the first voted out.

‘Oh God, I chose the wrong show,’ she wailed as she began her first trial. She’s worried about creepy crawlies and ‘ bathroom provision’, and squirmed as another ‘celeb’, TV presenter Josie Gibson, asked her why Britney had described her sister as a ‘total b****’ in her new memoir.

If Jamie hasn’t walked by the time viewers start voting, I’m sure they’ll be happy to put her out of her misery.





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