Mail Online

We must eat more veg! Levels hit a 50-year low

By Sean Poulter

BRITONS are eating fewer vegetables than at any time in the past 50 years, putting health at risk against the background of spiralling prices.

Analysis of government data suggests many low-income households are being priced out of eating a healthy diet.

An official survey shows that purchases of vegetables fell from an average of 182g per day in 2020-21 to 154g in 2021-22.

It is the lowest weight in the 50 years since officials have been collecting the figures.

The data comes amid reports that vegetable prices are rising ahead of Christmas. Key products such as carrots and potatoes have risen by more than 10 per cent in the past month, said The Grocer magazine.

Campaign group the Food Foundation said ‘vegetables are the golden thread connecting diets that are both healthier and more sustainable’.

Star’s panto litter rant

COMEDIAN Jason Manford has slammed audiences for the ‘shocking’ state of theatres and cinemas left strewn with litter.

He spoke out after the opening night of his panto, condemning fans for not taking their rubbish home with them.

The 42-year- old filmed seats and floors strewn with popcorn, sweet packets and plastic cups at the Manchester Opera House where he had performed the title role in Jack And The Beanstalk.

‘Look at it,’ he stormed. ‘I even tidy up after the cinema. Shocking. Unbelievable – you wouldn’t treat your home like that.

‘Grab your stuff at the end. That’s what I do. Maybe it’s because I used to work front of house at a cinema, I just grab my stuff at the end. Just a thought.’

The UK Cinema Association said staff always ensure venues are clean for the next show.





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