Mail Online

Pictured, the Eton teacher, 35, accused of 14 sex offences

By Paul Thompson

AN ETON teacher accused of a string of sex offences against an underage boy can today be pictured for the first time.

Jacob Leland, who was a language teacher at the £50,000-a-year public school, denies the 14 historical offences.

He appeared at Reading Crown Court yesterday for a case management hearing, during which he sat impassively in the dock clutching a bottle of water.

The 35-year-old, who wore a Covid mask in court, was not asked to enter a plea and spoke only to confirm his name. He has denied carrying out the offences while working at Eton from 2010-2012. Leland is accused of five counts of engaging in nonpenetrative sexual activity with a boy under 16 and four counts of engaging in penetrative sexual activity with a boy under 16.

He is also charged with three counts of causing or inciting a boy under 16 to engage in sexual activity and two of sexual assault on a male. The court was told that January 2025 would be the earliest date for a trial, expected to last up to ten days. Judge Amjad Nawaz told Leland, who was smartly dressed in a suit, blue shirt and yellow tie, he would continue on unconditional bail but warned him to attend any hearings that might be arranged ahead of his trial.

The judge said: ‘The trial date I am afraid is somewhat in the future. There is still a lot of work to be done. You will continue on unconditional bail, but you must turn up when you hear from your solicitors.’

Leland, of Lincoln’s Inn Field in Camden, central London, was first charged in October via postal requisition.

After he appeared at Reading Magistrates’ Court last month, the renowned public school issued a statement saying it fully supported the former pupil who had acted with ‘great courage and dignity’ throughout the police investigation.

Eton College, previously attended by both Prince William and Prince Harry, said: ‘Eton stands firmly beside those former pupils directly

‘Great courage of former pupil’

involved, who have acted with great courage and dignity throughout. The welfare and wellbeing of our pupils is Eton’s top priority.

‘When safeguarding concerns arise, they are dealt with in accordance with our established processes and we always work closely with the relevant authorities where appropriate, as we have in this case.’





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