Mail Online

Should teachers really be changing nappies?

I READ both recent articles (Mail) about children attending school still wearing nappies. Forty-seven years ago, I ran a playgroup for children aged three to five. We said they had to be potty-trained before they came to us, and must be able to put on their coat and shoes. If not, they were not given a place until they could. We never had any trouble from parents about the rules, although most of them had jobs to go to.

My final word to these parents is, turn the tables. Would you like to be a teacher changing nappies?

Think how upsetting it is for the children and please, get a grip and stop being so selfish.

CAROLE LOCK, rushden, Northants. IN THE 1950s and early 1960s, one of the first jobs mothers and fathers did was to potty-train their children. By the time they were three, nappies were a thing of the past. That teachers are expected to change nappies is disgraceful.

DAPHNE EMPSON, chelmsford, essex. IT IS the job of all parents to teach their children how to use the toilet at around the age of two. It is not the job of teachers. Apart from the time consumed each day by

changing nappies, it is unhygienic and demoralising for children and teachers alike. No excuses.

LESLEY MOULD, east garston, Berks. YEARS ago, three-year-olds were not allowed to start part-time nursery before going to infant school unless they were out of nappies. As Terry towelling nappies were used, children were potty-trained early so no more nappies had to be boiled. We should bring back that rule.

JUNE KARTRIEBER, cheam, Surrey. MY GERMAN Shepherd was housetrained in two weeks.

ANDREW PARKIN, Wainfleet St Mary, lincs.





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