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Out Of The Mouths Of Babes

WHEN i was a young girl i was sent to boarding school and the only comfort i had in the lonely nights was my beloved ‘blonde’ teddy bear, named Lucy.

Later, when i had Claire, my daughter, i had to leave her with a childminder, anne, who used to save up all the funny things Claire came out with during the day.

Claire also adored Lucy (who by that time had lost most of her fur and had only one beautiful brown glass eye left) and so did anne’s miniature poodle, Bijou, who’d grab Lucy at any opportunity and paw and smother her with love. anne was taken aback one day when she walked into her kitchen to find Claire on the phone. ‘Who are you phoning, Claire?’ she asked.

‘i’m phoning the police because that damn dog has got my Lucy again!’ came the indignant retort.

Pippa Lewis, Crudwell, Wilts.





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