Mail Online

Forget the volume, I prefer TV subtitles

I agreed with your article about the sound issues in ITVX’s Cary Grant biopic Archie, starring Jason Isaacs and Laura Aikman, above. Viewers say they’re forced to keep turning up the volume to hear the dialogue and turning it down for the deafening music. We find this with many programmes, particularly the BBC’s Have I Got News For You. The bursts of applause are shockingly loud on the ears but the speech is difficult to hear.

Ann Wills, Ruislip

Virtually all modern films and dramas are the same, so I have resorted to watching with subtitles now. It can’t just be that I’m getting old, because if I watch a movie over ten years old every word is crystal clear. Is it modern actors or the sound engineers who are failing?

E. Hunter, Leicester

It has always irritated me that music is added whenever there is likely to be silence. I would prefer silence every time. Surely it is now time to alter the thinking of those who make films and TV programmes.

Barbara Black, Cornwall

I thought Archie was really good. I personally had no issue with sound quality and Isaacs did a reasonable job of the Cary Grant impression. Aikman, who played Grant’s wife, was spot on. A great drama from ITVX.

Andrew Foster, Middlewich, Cheshire





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