6 A carry-on Terry orchestrated about ordinary part in the body (8,6)
9 Western figure has
importance (6)
10 Hide vase in awkward
fashion — and glue (8) 11 A top company seen around middle of July in Mexican resort (8) 13 Romantic types finished in outskirts of Limoges (6)
15 Fine store renovated
in wooded area (6)
17 Start a rally around capital of Wales or change direction abruptly? (6)
19 Essential part kept by senior, one recording a cricket game (6)
20 Rest, we hear, by residence to get component for a vehicle (5,3)
22 Title Rob devised for key element in opera? (8)
24 Thrill at home to
come into effect (4,2) 26 Criminal baiting another additionally (4,3,7)
1 Fine conceit is at play around chapter in literary genre (7,7)
2 Pair irritating outwardly
puritanical sort (4)
3 Gradually establish essential part of wine list for review (6)
4 Actor Craig beginning to forecast restricted movement of money (4,4) 5 Part of moot issue for
inventor Elisha (4)
7 Motive concerning a
younger relative (6)
8 Retain observer for analysing continuing effects (14)
12 More refined ship’s officer avoiding first of stewards (5)
14 Border over German
fences (5)
16 Get rid of unknown character that’s bad-tempered (8)
18 Take in a pair of books about society with gold (6)
21 Change rank in two
areas in capital (6)
23 In turn, secure part
of a house? (4)
25 Largely, device to
grip a shellfish (4)
FOR your chance to win, solve the crossword to reveal the word reading down the shaded boxes. HOW TO ENTER: Call 0901 293 6233 and leave today’s answer and your details, or TEXT 65700 with the word CRYPTIC, your answer and your name. Texts and calls cost £1 plus standard network charges. Or enter by post by sending the completed crossword to Daily Mail Prize Crossword 17,243, PO Box 28, Colchester, Essex CO2 8GF. Please include your name and address. One weekly winner chosen from all correct daily entries received between 00.01 Monday and 23.59 Friday. Postal entries must be date-stamped no later than the following day to qualify. Calls/texts must be received by 23.59; answers change at 00.01. UK residents aged 18+, excl NI. Terms apply, see Page 52.
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